Expohosting has a proven track records of results. We’ve worked with organizations large and small, like e-commerce brands, ....

Seo Consulting

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Google Adwords Optimization

Site Speed Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

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2150 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33145

SEO and Web Development Company


2150 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33145


About Us

What is SEO exporank all about?

Guaranteed Search Engine Optimization

We are all looking for success online; have a lot of traffic with hundreds of conversions each day. But Google and other search engines have made it a struggle, you cannot just rank high by adding a few keywords. This is where you need guaranteed search engine optimization; up to date strategies that offer you the results you need. Which is basically what you get when you seek the services of Expohosting.

Perhaps you are wondering, what does SEO stand for? When your knowledge on SEO is limited, most SEO strategists will apply convoluted optimization techniques, otherwise known as black hat SEO. While these methods will give you pseudo-traffic for a few days, your business will be penalized by Google. And you do not want that because it means your business is left unexposed to prospects.

At Expohosting, we offer white hat SEO, which is an annulation of different techniques including link building, content creation and marketing, HTML markup, website design tweaks and much more. While these techniques will not offer instant results, you are guaranteed of lasting results. We do not want you to wake up with traffic today and then tomorrow you are at the preliminary stages of building your business online.

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What is SEO

What is SEO Expohosting All About?

There is so much information online, which is so much for a budding webmaster to consume. Nowadays, a good SEO strategy gets outdated before you can even take advantage of all it has to offer. As SEO Expohosting, we discern what's best for your business and what is not. We choose a strategy that works for your niche, based on the competition you are facing and the keywords you need to rank for.

We have been in business since 2010; during which time we have seen lots of Google algorithm changes. We have learned how to navigate the waters, the transformations and the competition.

We offer Miami SEO services, helping you save thousands of dollars in marketing. If you are to invest 10 percent of your revenue on marketing, at the end of a month you spend a lot. We are saving you all the large bills.

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In-Depth Web Audits and Manual Optimization

A successful SEO strategy has to be tailored to a specific business. Which is why we do not just recommend strategies, but rather perform in-depth audits to identify your business needs. This simply means analyzing all the factors that affect the performance of a website.

When doing web audits, we consider the website health where the overall website is analyzed to identify sections that require immediate action. We also audit the security health of your site to identify vulnerabilities and clip them before they become hazardous. We then do a comprehensive competitive analysis to identify the specific position of your business in competition. Because your business might be at a risk of being penalized by search engines, we perform red flag and recovery analysis. This identifies any pending penalties. This keeps your site ranking high every day. Lastly, we perform conversion optimization audits. These will help us understand why you cannot convert even when you have enough traffic.

Website audits are meant to ensure that you have a solid system in place to beat the competition. In each audit, different aspects of your website are analyzed. With expert SEO services, you get every strategy carried out manually. We do not automate anything; an SEO strategist will take on each task to ensure effectiveness. Which is what makes us stand out and also make our results long lasting. Seeing that SEO is an ongoing process, we never stop. If you work with us, we ensure your website is always on a competitive stand.

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Content Marketing and Keyword Research

Content means a lot to your online business. You cannot scrap together a piece with no research or authenticity and expect results. When you work with us, we help you in keyword research to identify the best keywords to add to your content and how. We help you create value for your visitors even as you seek to rank for specific keywords. Long tail keywords and short tail keywords are important, but how you use them determines the value you get.

When you have well researched and invaluable content with no traffic, you will achieve less and add less value. I will be like ladding a table with delectable, but no guest. This is where we help you market your content. One of our recommendations is guestblogging, where you create content for a website in your niche, especially a leader in the niche, and share a link to your site. This way, you get traffic before you even start publishing or selling products. But that is only one of the ways through which you can market content.

Social media marketing has gained roots. Everyone is doing it, but how do you stand out from everyone else? Do you just add links on your social media accounts? How much content is too much when creating social media content? Which social media platforms are good for your business? What are industry leaders doing? We do the research so you do not have to, which is why we stand out. Besides being active on social sites, you need to integrate your content marketing strategies with your social media marketing strategies. We will help you out.

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Link Building Services

While link building might sound like a straight forward process, uninformed link building can lead to penalization. Being associated with leading sites in the industry is paramount and is one of the guaranteed SEO strategies, but you must tread this field with great care. That is why Expohosting is here for you.

Facebook and Google Ads; Do You Need Them?

Your business can survive with organic SEO alone. We know because we have helped thousands of businesses build their online presence and rank high on Google. But even then, Facebook and Google Ads will help you catapult your business and hasten your SEO efforts.

Google AdWords and Google AdSense are two marketing ads you can choose. You can register to have your business placed on the limelight. Even though your business will be advertised, it is the content you create and other strategies that you engage that keeps your visitors coming back. The ads will also not help you convert; again, other SEO strategies will help you pull through.

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what does seo stand for

Integration of Techniques

There is no foolproof SEO strategy. We cannot offer you SEO guarantee that a single strategy will work. We combine a number of strategies to ensure that you get the best out of what we offer. But the strategies have to be targeted; they must meet your special needs.

Sometimes, you might be failing in your SEO efforts because you are using a CMS, which is not SEO friendly. WordPress, for instance, has been created for SEO, and in our SEO services Miami, we recommend it. But there are other platforms to choose from including Weebly. When you are starting your business, let us help you from the preliminary stages.

You can tweak the design of your website to create landing pages that retain visitors. Seeing that a landing page is one of the key aspects of your online success, we help you create one that beckons visitors back. Just changing the layout of the page can work miracles. All that is needed are a few CSS tricks.

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What we are doing for our clients

As SEO Expohosting, we are known to offer quantifiable, measurable and long-lasting search engine optimization. All this happens after a deep analysis of your website where broken links, pending penalties, poor marketing strategies and missing elements are identified.

Our clients are always consulting us on different aspects of website performance and search engine optimization. You can draw from our deep technical knowledge and sound marketing and SEO strategies to catapult the performance of your business. It only takes a few days for our strategists to analyze your business and help you implement the strategies that work.

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Why Choose Expohosting?

Expohosting has been on business for a long time and what we bring to the table is experience and expertise. We have learnt to discern the working strategies from pseudo-strategies. We do not promise thousands of visitors within a day, but we promise to up the performance of your business with time. You can rely on us now and for routine business analysis and consulting later.

Again, we have a team of intelligent strategists most with successful online businesses, and we have enough resources for each business. The strategies we recommend are proven and all you need is to implement them with us.

We work with you from the basics. Even for those wondering what does SEO stand for, we help you understand the process. You become part of the whole process and we give you a report at each stage. This will not cost you more than it would to put up ads on Google for a few days. In the end, you get guaranteed search engine optimization.

Over 10,000,000


Over $3,000,000


Over 1,000


Unified Internet Marketing Strategy

Clients are assisted by awesome search engine optimization strategists – their single focus to not only make you rank, but to increase your company’s revenue.